WRS Refurbishment Tank Liners

Adaptable Tank Liner & Bead Track

Retrofit ANY Tank or Raceway.


Available now for existing fiberglass, concrete, and many other types of containment tanks, Structural Armor WRS is offering our Patent-Pending reinforced polyethylene membrane liner, bead track, and predator/containment net system.

Convert to our biosecure, recyclable liner system to completely eliminate your need to pursueg expensive refinishing options on an existing tank in addition to setting your business up for future success with our easily serviceable system.



Why would you continue spending tens of thousands of dollars every few years to refinish a concrete or fiberglass tank? What about the chemicals, labor, and opportunity cost of draining and cleaning tanks after each growth cycle?

Our membrane liner system is cost effective. Your tank’s interior structure will never breakdown again as a result of water or sun erosion as it does not come into contact with water or chemicals, it is protected by a water-tight membrane. Plus, when its time to replace, the replacement costs of a WRS Liner System is a mere fraction of the costs of refinishing a tank.


In aquaculture and aquaponics industries, waste and other sediments make their way throughout the tank. After each growth cycle, tanks have to be drained and cleaned. In addition to the cost associated with chemicals and labor, there is excess downtime involved.

The WRS liner system is MODULAR. While you can clean the liner after each growth cycle, our system is designed to allow for quick liner changes. Simply pull out the old liner complete with all waste/sediment, then drop in a new liner. All within just a few hours. Instead of wasting time and money on cleaning, just swap the liner. Get back to business quicker.


Our tank liners make first-time installation or replacements EASY.
  1. Liner is laid out in the tank and bead is pulled up to the top edge of the tank.
  2. Liner bead is securely fitted into the bead track
  3. Fill with water
  4. Ready for another cycle!






Predator / Containment Net.

Keep your investment safe, and predators out.


Once you upgrade your tank to our Modular Liner and Bead Track system, you gain the ability to add our Predator / Containment Net.

The optional mesh screening product slips easily into the bead track system with the tank membrane liner. The net keeps predators away, and your animals contained. You can still easily feed and manage the tank, while being certain your animals are safe.